Wellness Injections

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphate from the intestines to benefit our bone health and immune system. Vitamin D is available in two forms:

  • Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) – present in plants.
  • Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) – synthesized over time when we expose our skin to sunlight.

However, since vitamin D is a fickle thing, it isn’t always easy for our body to absorb the necessary amount. A study shows that 1 in 4 people in our country is vitamin D deficient.

Benefits of Vitamin D
  • Encourages the development of bones
  • Contributes to strong bones and prevents bone loss
  • Alleviates bone pain, muscle aches, and symptoms of inflammation
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Enhances mood and reduces anxiety
  • Reduces the risks of heart disease, obesity, and cognitive decline
When Should You Get Vitamin D Shots?

Vitamin D is naturally present in foods like cheese and fatty fish or foods fortified with vitamin D, such as dairy products and cereals. However, if you find you can’t get your recommended daily allowance of vitamin D from dietary sources or sun exposure, vitamin D supplementation is the only way to go. You can opt for a vitamin D supplement or vitamin D injections.

Treatment of vitamin D usually includes 3 intramuscular injections per year, administered at specified intervals, but the dosage depends on the patient’s medical conditions, baseline levels of vitamin D, and levels of calcium. An injection of vitamin D consists of 300,000 IU of vitamin D3.

The effects of vitamin D from a single injection outweigh the effects of oral vitamin D supplements, especially for patients with severe vitamin D deficiency. Several doses of vitamin D injections are often recommended to people with dark skin, suffering from kidney problems, or who struggle getting their vitamin D from food due to poor intestinal absorption.

Want to try something different?

Vitamin B

B vitamins play a vital role in maintaining good health and well-being. They are the building blocks of a healthy body and have a direct impact on a person’s energy levels, brain function, and cell metabolism. Symptoms of vitamin B deficiency include:

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Nausea
  • Swollen tongue
  • Skin rashes
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Diarrhea or constipation
What Are The Different B Vitamins and What do They Help With?

B1 (Thiamine)

Thiamine plays a critical role in maintaining a well-functioning brain, healthy heart muscles, and proper function of the nervous system.

B6 (Pyridoxine)

Thiamine plays a critical role in maintaining a well-functioning brain, healthy heart muscles, and proper function of the nervous system.

B7 (Biotin)

Biotin helps to convert food into energy and synthesize glucose. It is also essential for healthy hair, skin, nails, and bones.

B9 (Folate)

Folate promotes cell growth, amino acid metabolism, red and white blood cell formation, and proper cell division.

B2 (Riboflavin)

This B vitamin helps with blood circulation, hormones, glucose, and hydrochloric acid in the body. This also helps keep skin and hair healthy and a well-functioning digestive and acts as an antioxidant.

B3 (Niacin)

Niacin promotes healthy skin, the digestive system, and a well-functioning nervous system. Niacin can also help with PMS, cramps, headaches, blood pressure/other issues associated with vasoconstriction.

B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

This B vitamin is also known as the anti-stress vitamin, and can also be helpful in treating depression and anxiety. It helps your body obtain energy from food and is involved in hormone and cholesterol production as well.

B12 (Methylcobalamin)

B12 helps keep the body’s nerves and blood cells healthy and helps make DNA. It can help combat anemia, fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, pale skin, GI tract issues, numbness, depression, muscle weakness, vision loss, memory loss, etc.

What Causes B Vitamin Deficiency?
  • A Vegetarian Or Vegan Diet
  • Long-Term Use Of Antibiotics
  • Digestive Issues Such As Celiac Disease
  • Pernicious Anemia
  • Kidney Disease, Crohn’s Disease, And Ulcerative Colitis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Cancer Or Chronic Inflammation
What is The Right Option For Me?

At Essential Aesthetics, we offer different treatments depending on your symptoms and concern. We offer an injectable B complex, a combination of B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. We also offer injectable B12, B6, and D for those focusing on specific symptoms.

Your Experience

The treatment is simple and quick, consisting of sterile injection in the upper arm, thigh, or buttocks. Depending on your symptoms, you may require weekly or monthly vitamin injections. Our expert will develop a treatment plan specific to you and your symptoms.


Lipotropics are substances that affect the way your body metabolizes the fat you consume and the fat you already have. When your medical provider injects a combination of lipotropic ingredients, it can help break down fat in your liver. Customized lipo-mino injections can help you reach your weight-loss goals by speeding up your metabolism and eliminating fat.

Our expert medical weight loss team of nurse practitioners provides a lipo-mino injection that includes a combination of the following ingredients:

  • Vitamin B12 for energy and to prevent anemia
  • Inositol is a natural sugar related to B vitamins that helps metabolize fat and improve insulin function
  • Choline, also related to B vitamins, helps metabolize lipids (fats)
  • Methionine, an amino acid that plays an essential role in metabolizing energy

Coming soon.

Gorg! Wellness & Aesthetics


311 Bowie St, Suite 100 Loft 15,
Austin, TX 78703

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